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Our name.

I would love to take credit for the

name of our product line, however, if you read on, you will see that the credit is not mine to take.


Starting this business has been a long dream of mine- one I thought probably unreachable. So many obstacles to overcome and details to straighten out, I didn't know where to start. It was all overwhelming. The love of these products and the desire to share them with others kept me going.


So, where did I begin? Well, truth be told, I began making products and buying all the cute packaging! Where else would I start? A little cart-before-the-horse, I know,

but I got it together eventually. The name. What would the name of my product line be? I started brainstorming. I wanted something nature-y, something natural. I wanted it to reflect my love for the ingredients in the products.

I had come up with a few choices, but they weren't great. Finally, I found the winner and I couldn't be more excited.  I started googling to see if anyone else had used it and quickly found out why it was so great- it was already taken by L'Oreal.....


After I stopped laughing at myself... I prayed.

I asked The Lord what He would have the name of my product line be. I waited a few days and when 'It Is Good' popped into my mind I knew that is what He had chosen.


'It Is Good.' And it was good- it was perfect because it was from The Lord.










The story behind our labeling and name comes from the very first book in the bible, Genesis.

In Chapter one, verse one. It says: 

‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” 

(11) ‘Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land

that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. The Land produced

vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it

according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.’  

As far back as I can remember I have loved the fact that God created in nature what we need for our health and wellness! This is not to discredit how man has advanced in the medical world what God

has created in nature, but it is to give credit to the Original Maker. 

Take a look at the ingredient list of the product you purchased from “It is good.” It will read, ‘miraculously made; originally good ingredients.’  If you go back to that insert from Genesis you will find

that the miraculous part is that “God said…. and it was so.”

God literally spoke nature into existence! That’s a miracle!

Now, you might be wondering why it reads, ‘originally good.’ Well, this is because when God created nature, it was good. It was perfect. And if you keep reading in Genesis you will

find that lastly, God created

Man and Woman and saw all that He had made and declared it “very good.” 


That’s a good story, right?

Well, it doesn’t end there...

The man and woman, named Adam and Eve, were given all of creation to enjoy and live in.

They were given all seed bearing plants and fruit bearing trees to eat. There was only one tree from

which God told them not to eat: the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Sadly, Adam

and Eve did not listen to God. THEY HAD ALL OF CREATION TO ENJOY and they choose to eat the fruit from the one tree God told them not to. Now Adam and Eve knew evil- they knew sin. This is when God

declared the ground, “cursed.” With sin, nature would now grow imperfectly. With sin, humanity would now live imperfectly. God’s originally good creation was now, sin-filled. 


So, what is the meaning behind the name, “It Is Good”?

The meaning is God's original plan for humanity and how He has made a way back to it:

Nature was good, man was good and our relationship with God was good. In God’s goodness,

He made a way back to his perfect plan through his Son, Jesus Christ.

Because of Jesus, “It is Good” again.  Jesus came and lived a sinless life and died on a cross,

putting to death our sin. So, when you pick up a product from “It is Good,” my hope is that you will be

reminded that because of Jesus, everything can be good again. He gave us a choice to choose His gift of life.  Jesus said,

“I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6).

And in Romans 10:9 we read

“that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is

Lord and believe in your heart God raised him from the dead,

you will be saved.” 







Hi, my name is Maureen. Since we are on the subject of meaning of names, let's start there. One of the meanings of the name Maureen is sea of bitterness. Nice, right? Probably not a meaning to be jealous after, however, a lot can be said about the meaning of a name. Had you met me before I met the Lord, I was bitter. I took pride in sheltering myself from others. I was in defense. I had been hurt and I had not learned how to forgive. I was drowning in a sea of bitterness. 


After many years of learning about forgiveness, seeking it out and walking in it, I was no longer bitter.


The Lord had changed my heart while walking with me through some very tough experiences.


Fast forward almost 10 years and here we are! The Lord has grown my heart from bitterness and closed, to joyful and open. Had He not walked me through this, I don't know if I would have the courage to share these beautiful products with others.


I am thankful for the opportunity to tell others about what Jesus has done for me in as simple a way as making lotion and lip-balm!

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